Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Fruits & Vegetables


Vegetables & Fruits

Commonly subjected to chemical pesticides, fertilizers (may be potent enough to harm humans)
Generally not washed post-delivery (doing so will encourage rot). Traces of microbial load may increase in size.
Even when washed, water might be re-used to save on costs. This may increase the microbial load of the water.
Storage conditions of veg. Fruits & vegetables quickly deteriorate even if temp. fluctuation is minimal. Thus, it is important to ensure that the storage temp. is appropriate.
Workers also a source of contamination. Personal hyigiene very important.
Air quality of production floor. Terrible air quality often allows dirt to setlle on cut surfaces of veg.
Transportation & storage of veg. & fruits. Low temp. is impt. as fruits and veg. deteriorate quickly in high temp.

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